Everything you need to know
Laws & Regulations
State & Local Laws and Regulations
Precision Guns spends an enormous amount of time, energy and money in an attempt to keep abreast of state and local gun laws and restrict sales accordingly. However, with well over 20,000 laws on the books, new legislation being passed and no concise source for this information, this task is extremely difficult if not impossible.
As a gun purchaser and owner, you are responsible for compliance with all federal, state and local laws governing the purchase, ownership, possession and use of firearms. Never purchase a firearm for someone who is not permitted to purchase one for himself. A “Straw Purchase,” being a purchase or attempt to purchase a firearm for another person, knowing that the person is not permitted to possess a firearm, is a Federal Crime punishable by 10 years in prison.
Guns shown at Precision Guns are not an offer to ship the gun to any jurisdiction where its sale is prohibited by law. Because of legal restrictions, some guns may not be available for purchase in your location. Always have full knowledge of your state and local gun laws before attempting to order or purchase a gun.